In Fiscal

On April 30 of this year, the SAT had the deadline for natural persons to present their annual declaration, but as a beneficiary, did you really know what personal deductions you could make? That is why it is important to go to specialists in tax matters that can provide you with the best tools.

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Personal deductions


Now, that you know what you should do, QuAdrans can provide you with the best advice without delay. Below we present the personal deductions that a natural person can make for their annual declaration.


Important: Remember that some deductions must be paid by electronic means such as credit cards, debit cards, checks or electronic fund transfers.



  • Dental medical fees
  • Hospital expenses
  • Consultations with nutritionists and psychologists
  • Donations
  • Medical expenses due to disability
  • Disability medical expenses
  • Complementary contributions
  • Interest on mortgage loans
  • Premiums for health insurance
  • Tuition
  • School transportation
  • Optical lenses
  • Funeral expenses
  • Deposits in special savings accounts

Finally, the tax deduction is a basic requirement for any business to be profitable. This process is a fundamental support in finances and if we do it correctly you can even get a tax refund.

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At QuAdrans law and finance we guide you correctly in making the best decisions for your company, we are a global firm. If you need advice on tax matters, do not hesitate to contact us. Learn more about our tax service by clicking here.


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