In Fiscal

A tax advisor can be a person or persons who examine the financial situation of their clients. These professionals calculate the taxes generated by a company and look for legal ways to reduce the tax bill. They usually provide their services to individuals or companies, but above all they keep up to date with the changes produced by the SAT.

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What should be the functions of tax advisors?


The activities that a tax advisor must carry out within a company vary a lot, because they depend on the size of each business, or the needs of its client, it also depends on the number of workers it has and the tax regime in which it is located. registered. however some of the most common functions are:

  • Provide the pros and cons of different types of tax regimes
  • Optimize the company’s tax burden.
  • Register and manage accounting month by month.
  • Generate financial information
  • Support in the procedures before the tax administration.
  • Determine taxes under the rules of Mexican law
  • Submit monthly, annual and informative tax returns.
  • Carry out the corresponding processes with payroll
  • Generation of receipts and personnel administration.
  • Carry out the registration of workers and other procedures before the IMSS.
  • Calculate tax refunds
  • Comply with the tax settlement in a timely manner

What is our recommendation when you need to hire a staff that provides fiscal service? The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a tax advisor is that they be a reliable professional and that they provide you with solutions and not more legal problems that may cause fines or penalties.


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At QuAdrans law and finance we have a tax consulting service for national and foreign companies. We create tax strategies that help you comply with tax regulations correctly. To learn more, we invite you to click here.


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