In Outsourcing

Do you know what are the changes in the minimum wage in Mexico? And how much impact will have on the wages of Mexican workers? Here we will share some information about this topic.

By 2023, a 25% increase in the minimum wage is sought in Mexico, although this may be risky for small and medium-sized companies that are in the midst of high inflation.

A member of the board of representatives commented that the setting of the minimum wage by 2023 will be by consensus of government, business and unions.

The president of the country is seeking a 25% increase, but the employers’ sector is asking for an increase of only 15%.

An increase of 16.2% was achieved in 2019 and 22% in 2022. In 4

years, the minimum wage went from 88 pesos to 173 Mexican pesos per day.

The National Union of Workers (UNT) estimated that an increase of 25% could set the minimum wage at $216.08 pesos per day in 2023.

January 2023 will bring changes to pensions, the number of vacation days and the minimum wage for Mexicans.

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The National Minimum Wage Commission agreed on the minimum wage rates effective as of January 1, 2023 to be as follows:

In the Northern Border of the country the increase is composed of 10% for inflation plus $23.67 for the Independent Recovery Movement (MIR) and in the rest of the country there will also be an increase of 10% for inflation plus $15.72 for the Independent Recovery Movement (IRM).

In other words, the real increase is approximately 17%.

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Changes in the minimum wage in Mexico

QuAdrans Law and Finance

Law Firm of accountants y lawyers at Playa del Carmen

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