In Outsourcing

Within the Latin American economies most affected by Covid-19, Mexico is among the first places.  This is because the main economic activity in Mexico is tourism and manufacturing.  On the other hand, it is important to clarify that formal employment is lower than the percentage of informal jobs that exist in Mexico.

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The current reality of work in Mexico in times of Covid-19

It is clear that a sudden change in activities affects people’s performance and therefore that of their personal and work lives.  It was not surprising that when the pandemic caused by Covid-19 began, companies would suffer casualties.

The Covid-19 accelerated the “home office” modality and 64% of the companies that have implemented it consider continuing with it.

Many companies took preventive measures for the care and well-being of their workers as well as for the well-being of the company.  Unfortunately due to the crisis and despite the efforts of Mexican companies, many of them faced staff cuts and salary reductions.

The new normality caused several companies to implement the home office modality indefinitely, it should be noted that this practice was little implemented in Mexico.  However, Mexican companies took this alternative to avoid slowing down their activities and at the same time take care of their collaborators of the coronavirus.

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At QuAdrans Law and Finance we analyze the most important characteristics of the labor market and create strategies based on this data.  Do not forget that innovation and avant-garde are essential tools for the growth of your business.  If you want to know more about our payroll administration service, click here.

Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen


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