In Federal Notary

When is it necessary to obtain an appraisal?

When you want to sell or purchase a property, its commercial value must be estimated first. This is an indispensable requirement to carry out the transaction. It is necessary to have an specialist that can calculate the property’s real. 

An ​expert appraiser is who determines the value of a property to reflect it as a monetary amount. 

Federal Attestor may also act as an appraiser.

The main function of an expert appraiser or a Federal Attestor is to assess the real property in terms of value.

Some of the benefits obtained from conducting an appraisal appear because it is a practical and technical process that supports the determination of the property’s real cost, according to its conditions. The main benefit is a detailed and precise estimation of the property’s value. 

There are different types of appraisals, such as: 

  • Movable tangible and real property.
  • Machinery and equipment.
  • Jewelry and artworks.
  • Intangible goods, such as patents and brands.

To conduct an appraisal, four aspects should be considered: 

  • Investigation.
  • Market analysis.
  • Urban conditions.
  • Physical conditions of the estate.

If you want to sell or buy an asset, you should contact expert apprisers once you have all necessary documents. Make sure they are sufficiently experienced to provide you with a proper estimation.

In ​QuAdrans law and finance we offer an ​expert appraisal service.

Legal and Accounting Consulting in Playa del Carmen

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