In Fiscal

The natural person is an individual man or woman with obligations and rights, who exercises commercial, political and social activities within a society, backed by a jurisdiction that covers his rights.  Natural Persons, once they have reached their legal age, will have the capacity to contract obligations and will be identified by their name and surname.

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 What are the tax regimes for individuals?

 A tax regime is the set of laws and regulations that govern the tax situation of individuals and legal entities at the time of registering with the Tax Administration Service (TAS).  Eight tax regimes were established for individuals.

 Business activity regime: Commercial, industrial, motor transport, agricultural, livestock, fishing or forestry activities are carried out.

 Tax Incorporation Regime: Only business activities are carried out, selling goods / providing services.  In these cases, a professional title is not required for its realization, the income per year should not exceed two million pesos.

 Wages and salaries regime: They are the people who receive salaries and other benefits from one or an employer.

 Interest regime: They obtain income paid by banking institutions derived from bank accounts and investments.

 Professional services regime: They obtain income from providing professional services independently (professionals in medicine, design or accounting, etc.)

 Leasing scheme: In these cases, income is obtained by granting real estate for rent or rental such as: house, rooms, apartments, buildings, commercial premises, and warehouses.

 Dividend regime: They are obtained by income from dividends or profits distributed by legal entities.

 Regime of business activities in technological platforms: In these cases, income is received for disposing of goods or providing services through a technological platform

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 At QuAdrans Law and Finance with specialists in the accounting service who can guide you at all times, our tax strategies will allow you to comply with the tax regulations correctly.  If you want to know more about our tax service, click here.


 Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen

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