In Outsourcing



The role that the accountant plays within a company is of vital importance. However, many times it seems that the accountant and the client speak totally different languages, which commonly generates a series of misunderstandings, which today we will help you avoid with 3 ways to improve communication with your clients.

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Improve your communication


Practice empathy: You may think that this is quite basic advice, but when a work or personal relationship is of the conflictive type, the right thing to do is to put yourself in the other’s shoes. Practicing empathy helps to understand the other person and thus bring the relationship to a conciliatory plane, where the accountant and the client can understand each other in the best way.

Communicate effectively: In the workplace there are always ups and downs in terms of communication. In these cases, it is recommended to understand that not only is it enough to raise the annoyance, but the way in which we do it will determine the tone of the discussion. For example, in the case of making a mistake, it is possible to talk without having to fall into inappropriate words or raise the tone.

Maintain constant communication: Communication can be affected when an exchange of communication is only established when ordering or delivering something. The link between client and accountant must be comprehensive and, to achieve this, it needs to be constant. Important, both must nurture communication constantly.

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At QuAdrans law and finance we have an accounting service, with which we offer advice with certified public accountants capable of guiding you to make the best financial decisions. If you are interested in learning more about this service, we invite you to click here.


Accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen

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