In Fiscal

As we well know, the Tax Mailbox fulfills the function of linking the communication between the taxpayer and the SAT. For this year, the Tax Administration Service will seize the deposits made to your bank accounts via the Tax Mailbox.

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For what purpose will this measure be applied?

The SAT plans to collect the taxes or fines that you have pending payment more easily, that is, the Tax Administration Service will notify you through your Tax Mailbox that you have an embargo process pending for having a tax credit.


If this is your case, it will give you three days to reach a favorable resolution or else it will proceed to the embargo.

Once your notification arrives, the SAT will be in charge of notifying all your clients in the same way that you are in a process of seizing bank accounts. Therefore, your clients will have, just like you, a period of three days to respond if they have any debt with you.

NOTE: The pending deposits of your clients must be made directly to the SAT

We remind you that the requirements needed to enter the tax mailbox depend on the type of person requesting it, in the case of individuals: only their password or in some cases their e-signature is essential, legal entities must have your e-signature.

You may also be interested in our video: What do I contribute to by paying my taxes?

At QuAdrans law and finance we suggest you stay up to date with your tax obligations to avoid possible fines and seizures. If you have questions about tax changes or adjustments, contact us by clicking here.


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