In Fiscal



A proof of tax situation is a document by which natural or legal persons can know their status in the Tax Administration System (SAT). This document contains key information on each taxpayer, with which you can identify them and validate the economic activity they carry out. For job seekers, it is common for recruiters to request this document as a hiring requirement.

You may also be interested in our article: What data does the proof of tax situation contain?


Don’t leave home and get your Tax Situation Certificate!


Proof of tax status can be requested when carrying out some important legal act such as commercial acts, when requesting a loan or financing for your business, etc. This document guarantees the constitution of your company and the legal registration that exists on it. Currently you no longer need to make long lines to request it since you can do it from your home through the SAT portal.


As of 2021, it was stipulated that natural persons over 18 years of age must process their Certificate of Tax Status.



You can process this document through the SAT ID application, you only need to download it, it is a simple and agile tool to use, or you can do it by entering the official SAT website. 

Here we share the steps you must follow to obtain your Proof of Tax Status, you only need your RFC and password or current electronic signature (e.firma).


Step 1: Go to to the Other procedures and services section

Step 2: Click on Generate your Proof of Tax Situation

Step 3: Done! You completed the process successfully.


In this document you can find the following information: Full name, denomination or business name, Federal Taxpayer Registry, the date of registration of your company or person before the Treasury, fiscal address, the economic activity with which you registered before the SAT, Regime tax and tax obligations

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At QuAdrans law and finance we have a tax service to help you comply with tax regulations correctly, our service extends to nationals and foreigners. To learn more about this service, we invite you to click here.


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