In Outsourcing

The hiring of personnel is one of the most important processes for companies.  The correct selection of collaborators is defined during this.  Choosing the ideal profile for the job you want to fill is the result of a series of steps carried out properly.  The quality of the companies’ service, decision-making and their growth are linked to the work team they have.  This is why, we want to share the importance of socioeconomic studies in the hiring of personnel.

You may be interested in our entry: Importance of psychometric tests for the selection of personnel.

Socio-economic studies allow you to get to know your candidates better, verifying the data they have shared with you previously.

The main objective of these studies is to verify that the information provided by the candidate is correct.  In this way, companies ensure that the person does not omit or modify information and thus the risk of high staff turnover can be reduced.

How is the procedure to perform them?

In general, the process to carry them out is very simple.  The person in charge schedules an appointment with the candidate to visit him at his home, he is asked a series of questions verifying his personal data, checking his work experience, his level of studies, among other things.  His participation in the previous works he has had is also verified and the personal references he provided are contacted.  You can include photos of the house after the visit.

Estudios socioeconómicos

Socioeconomic studies are an important tool in the selection process.

 Benefits of socioeconomic studies in the recruitment of staff:

  • You know the candidates in detail when visiting their environment.
  • You check that the information is correct and you get references from other people with whom you have lived.
  • They are a plus in your recruiting process.
  • They give you the possibility of hiring trained collaborators who fully cover the profile of the vacancy.
  • You reduce staff turnover and the expenses involved.

At QuAdrans law and finance we have the outsourcing service, through which we help you with the recruitment and selection of your staff, with their hiring, induction and training, among other things.  This service provides great benefits to companies, if you want to know a little more about it, you can click here for more information.

 Outsourcing Service in Playa del Carmen

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