According to the National Institute of Copyright, the registers of authorial works are:
- Literary, original written works, literary, scientific, technical or practical character.
- Musical, with or without lyrics, combinations of sounds performed with musical instruments and/or with a human voice.
- Dramatic, actions, monologues or dialogs, of one or more people, representing on scene and reflecting reality through fiction, with a variety of genres.
- Dance, execution of movements realized with the body according to the music you want to dance.
- Pictorial or drawing, delineation and/or placement on a flat surface by applying coloring materials.
- Sculptural and plastic character, original and artistic creations of plastic and visual character, fixed on a flat or three-dimensional surface.
- Cartoon and comic strip, a portrait that exaggerates the physical appearance of people. The comic strip is a “series of drawings that constitutes a story”, “with or without text”, being a means of communication as a whole.
- Architectural, creation of art related to the construction of building, such as drawings, sketches, as well as the complete architectural structure.
- Cinematography and other audiovisual works, sequence of images accompanied by sound, to represent, to perform or to recite scenes from life, live.
- Radio and television programs, the program of radio is a work created for purposes of sound broadcasting. While the program of television is a set of sounds and images to be projected to an audience.
- Computer programs, original expression of languages or codes, so that a computer or device performs a specific function based on a specific sequence, structure and organization.
- Photograph, imagen of real objects, produced on a surface sensitive to light or another radiation.
- Applied art, artistic work applied to objects of practical use, such as handicraft works or works produced on an industrial scale.
- Database, by means of machines or in another form, the content will constitute intellectual creations, being protected as compilations.
- Related rights, such as videogram, phonogram or book edition.
Required documents
- Request for Work Registration.
- Data of the author, co-author, pseudonym and owner, if it’s necessary.
- Data of the legal representative (optional).
- Data of the work.
- If it is derived, indicate what type and the data of the original work.
To attach the followings documents:
- Document proving the existence of the legal person.
- Document that certifies the personality of the legal representative.
- Official identification of the principal, agent and witnesses, in case of presenting a power of attorney.
- Voucher of payment of rights.
- Translation into Spanish of the documents that are attached in a different language.
- Two copies of the work (originals), identified with the name of the author and title.
- Document proving the ownership of the patrimonial rights on the work.
- Envelopes closed with identification data of the author, if it is a work created under pseudonym.
- Place, date, name and signature of the applicant or legal representative.
*The resolution of the procedure is issued within a period of fifteen business days.
The protection of your work covers national and international territory, in accordance with Berne Convention, Rome Conventions and the international treties of WIPO.
> You may be interested in reading our entry on the importance of protecting your work with Copyright.
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