In Outsourcing

Mexico is one of the countries with the highest work-related stress. Therefore, the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare has put in place NOM-035, an official norm aimed at addressing both the psychosocial risk factors and the working conditions to which employees are exposed on a daily basis.

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What is NOM-035? 

NOM-035 is an official norm whose objective is to identify and prevent the psychosocial risk factors that could potentially affect the health of Mexican workers. As a law, it is applied nationwide. But resolutions are adopted according to the specific number of workers in each business. 

85% of Mexico’s organizations lack the resources for its employees to be able to balance their personal and professional lives. 

Before NOM-035 was put in place, the Mexican Social Security Institute highlighted that 75% of Mexican workers suffer from work-related stress, surpassing countries such as the U.S. This is usually the result of working in a hostile environment, and it is likely to have both physical and psychological repercussions in the long term. 

Preventive measures suggested by NOM-035: 

Mexico’s Federal Regulation on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) specifies that a positive working environment is that which encourages assertive communication and balances a heavy workload for its employees. 

By following those guidelines, psychosocial risk factors in the workplace can be avoided. These generally cause anxiety and sleep disorders, as well as unbearable stress. Some measures that should be implemented to comply with NOM-035 include: 

  • Promoting social support 
  • Training employees 
  • Encouraging effective and healthy communication 

You might also be interested in our video: Sanctions for violating NOM-035

At QuAdrans Law and Finance, we are committed to your employees’ training and psychosocial stability, as well as our own. That is why our services meet the standards set by NOM-035. Our advice and strategy will help your company succeed. To learn more about our payroll administration service, click here

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