In Outsourcing

We have previously discussed the importance of the role of collaborators in organizations. Keeping them motivated, creating a healthy and camaraderie work environment is vital for companies to succeed and consolidate, since much of this is due to the staff they have. In this post we want to share the main causes of staff turnover, which will surely help you to evaluate the actions of your company and will allow you to make decisions with greater awareness.

You may be interested in our entry: 5 strategies to reduce staff turnover within your company.

Staff turnover is the way to measure the length of stay of employees within a company.

It is normal for organizations in some employees to decide to make way for new hires, but when the position is frequently abandoned, it means that they are suffering from high staff turnover and this may be due to different causes. We present them below.


Rotación de personal

What are the main causes of staff turnover?

Bad work climate: when the work environment is tense and there is lack of respect or frequent discussions between collaborators or with the bosses themselves, employees become unmotivated and going to work becomes heavy.

Lack of growth: When employees feel stagnant in their position and there are no training programs or advancement opportunities within the company, they begin to look elsewhere.

Problems with salary: this cause is also linked to the previous ones, since if employees do not feel comfortable in their work area, they feel stagnant and they also consider salary a problem, there is nothing that unites them organization.

Problems in the selection of personnel: in many occasions there can be a bad choice of candidates for the job since they do not cover with the profile or are not related to the values of the company. It is important to pay special attention to this point. Some companies decide to hire an outsourcing service to ensure that the selection process is carried out in optimal conditions and they can obtain the best results.

In QuAdrans law and finance we have the outsourcing service, through this we help with the recruitment and selection of your staff, as well as in the hiring and induction of the same. You can know its main benefits by clicking here.

Contact us and request more information about the services we have for your company.

Outsourcing service in Playa del Carmen

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