Over time, human life expectancy has notably evolved. In the 1930s, Mexico’s average life expectancy was 35 years, whereas by 2014, it had increased to 74 years
However, even though life expectancy has been growing gradually, mortality risks continue to be a daily presence. Thus you should consider buying a life insurance capable of economically protecting both your loved ones and yourself.
Once you buy a life insurance, the insurance company must commit to paying the total value of the sum insured in case you die, as long as you were always up to date with your payments. In other words, if you buy a life insurance, you are only liable to comply with your payments to maintain the contract’s validity.

Before buying a life insurance, you should consider:
- Sum insured: Refers to the total sum your beneficiaries will receive. This amount depends on your family’s needs, such as their monthly expenses, the children’s ages, education spending, among others.
- Premium: Represents the cost of the insurance, which varies depending on factors such as age and health status.
- Coverage: Described as the amount of risk or liability that can be covered by the insurance company, which, in addition to death, may include invality, funerary expenses, terminal illness, among others.
- Beneficiaries: These are the individuals who will receive the total sum insured. Make sure you distribute the value among your family members in the way you find most appropriate.
Insurances cover any type of death, but they could make an exception in the case that it is stated as such in the policy.
The insurance will mainly protect your beneficiaries in case you die, but there are also other plans that allow you to have access to the sum insured as long as the term established in the contract is still valid.

It is important that you learn all clauses in your insurance policy and that you take the time to explain your family the rights they would be given in case the insurance becomes necessary.
At QuAdrans Law and Finance we can advise you and help you to always make decisions that fit your best interests.
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