In Lawyers

Know your rights as a consumer! Do you know what they are and why it is so important to know them? Every shopper has certain rights that protect them, to ensure that they have a positive and safe shopping experience. Here are some of these rights for you to know.

At QuAdrans Law and Finance we want you to stay informed about your rights as a consumer.

This information can be very useful during the seasonal sales periods, for example, during the “buen fin” in November or in the dates close to Christmas.

Before making a purchase, it is important that you know your consumer rights, so you can demand that suppliers comply with their obligations.

  • Right to information: The information about the product or service you are offered must be complete, timely and clear.
  • Right to education: Know how the law protects you as a consumer.
  • Right to choose: No one can pressure you, condition you or demand payments if you have not signed a contract.
  • Right to safety and quality: All products and services must meet safety and quality requirements.

comply with safety and quality requirements.

  • Right not to be discriminated against: You cannot be denied a product or service because of your sex, race, religion, economic status, sexual orientation or because you have a disability.
  • Right to compensation: If you were sold a product in poor condition or of poor quality, you have the right to a replacement or a refund.

In case these rights are not respected by any supplier, we recommend you to go or contact Profeco so they can guide and support you.

We invita you to read our blog entry: SAT extends its opening hours. We think it might be a topic of interest for you.

At QuAdrans Law and Finance we have lawyers, public accountants and IT experts who are trained to provide you with a personal or corporate service. Get to know our services.

We are located in the city of Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, contact us to receive more information about our services.

Now that we have shared with you some information about your rights as a consumer so that you know them and who you can contact in case these rights are not respected, we would like to know what other topics or news you would like us to talk about in our blog.

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Know your rights as a consumer.

QuAdrans Law and Finance

Accountants and Law Firm in Playa del Carmen

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