In Payroll

Know the benefits to which you are entitled as a worker

As workers we must know what are the benefits to which we are entitled, and which are established by the Federal Labor Law, according to an article published by the Government Secretariat the minimum labor rights that we as workers must know and that a company must provide are:

  1. Bonus

The bonus is a payment that must be made in December to all active workers, and also to workers who have not worked throughout the year, the salary that is paid is based on the base salary, the bonus is the equivalent of 15 working days, and when the full year was not worked, the payment is proportional. It is usually paid before December 20, if it is a former worker is paid at the time of completion of work.

  1. Vacation and holiday bonus

Each worker must enjoy 6 days of vacation when one year is completed, and the holiday bonus they receive is the amount paid for the vacation, from the second year they are increased 2 days to 12 days. , and from the fifth year, 2 days of vacation every 5 years are increased, the ordinary salary corresponds to the vacation days and the vacation bonus is 25% of the amount received for vacations.

  1. Days off

The weekly rest that a worker has is for 6 days worked, and the mandatory rest is according to the schedule established by law such as January 1, May 1, September 16, December 25 and those that are Determine according to federal and local laws. When the worker labors the weekly rest days or the days of obligatory rest, it should be received in addition to the corresponding salary for rest, the double salary must be paid for the service rendered.

  1. Maternity leave

Working women have the right not to attend their work before, and after childbirth to protect their motherhood and the care of the baby, if they wish to transfer their weeks of rest before giving birth, they must request permission with the authorization of the doctor of the Social security, in case the children require hospital medical attention they can receive up to 8 weeks after the birth with a corresponding medical certificate, and they will receive their full salary.

  1. Paternity leave

Working men are also entitled to a rest of 5 working days after the birth of their child, receiving a full salary. This is to encourage family ties, and to be involved in family activities.

  1. Seniority premium

The workers who are of plant, must receive the amount of 12 days of salary for each year of service, can receive it both the worker who voluntarily separates from his employment after working 15 years or more, the worker who separates for just cause, the worker who separates without cause justified by his employer, the worker who is separated without cause, in case of death by the worker will be paid to his beneficiaries.

  1. Benefits derived from resignation

When a worker voluntarily resigns he / she has the right to receive: salaries corresponding to the days worked and not paid, bonuses, vacations, vacation premium, share of profits owed, seniority premium in case of having worked for 15 years or more.

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