In Outsourcing


Internal communication within an organization is very important, above all because it represents the responsibility that management positions have towards their collaborators. On the other hand, internal communication helps to manage and integrate a work team. It is even an excellent strategy to motivate, persuade or explain that applied in the correct way encourages collective success.

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Keys to improve the internal communication of your company


Improving communication between professionals and promoting participation, as well as helping to build corporate identity and preventing interdepartmental blockage, are the main objectives in internal communication for any company. That is why we share some keys to improve communication within your company.


The improvement of internal communication processes requires the development of a strategic communication plan in the culture of the organization.


#1: Listen to collaborators

Listen and analyze the information provided by your collaborators, then prepare an action plan that responds, preferably in the short or medium term, to the needs raised.

Every collaborator who feels integrated will increase their degree of commitment and improve their results.


#2: New communication channels

We live in the technological age and it is very effective to use internal communication channels that motivate workers. You can create, for example, a monthly newsletter and add videos through YouTube. Be creative!


#3: Regular Meetings

Whether you are in the home office or face-to-face mode, it is essential to meet physically, at least a couple of times a month, to see the results of each area. Remember that interpersonal relationships favor communication and empathy.

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