We have previously talked about how to register a trademark and how to get a patent. Both are important actions aimed to protect an invention or a business as a whole. In this entry, we will specifically talk about how to protect an industrial design.
It is important to carry out these registrations to give a value to our creativity, time, and effort. At the same time, we allow others to use our image or creations in a legal and norm-based manner. This helps us to have a better administration of our business.
You may be interested in our entry: Benefits of getting a patent.

What is an industrial design?
● These can be technical drawings, or combinations of figures and colors that conform an industrial product and give it an authentic appearance.
● They can also be three-dimensional shapes that contribute to the fabrication of a specific product and provide it with a unique, distinctive appearance.
● Technical and functional effects are not protected.
To register an industrial design, this should be:
● Innovative: They should not be similar to any other design that has already been registered. They should be authentic.
● They should be of industrial application (or reproduce in any of its branches).

Just as in the case of trademark registrations and patents, industrial designs cannot be produced without the express permission of the holder. Therefore, if you are the holder, only you have the rights to reproduce your design.
Nowadays, industrial designs are valid for five years after the application is submitted. Then, the registration is renewed every five years as well, until 25 years are reached. There is already an established fee for both registrations and renewals. It is important that you pay on time once each term has concluded to continue to enjoy all benefits.
At QuAdrans Law and Finance, we offer the intellectual property service, and provide you with advice related to the protection of all your inventions. Our experts will guide you throughout the entire process to obtain the benefits you deserve. You can learn more of our service here.
Remember that having rights over your inventions is fundamental for your business to continue growing without any conflict of any third parties using these creations inappropriately. This is an excellent way for you to expand your horizons. Leave it all in our hands and let us guide you. Contact us to learn more
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