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Mexico is a country characterized by the expressiveness of its people, and of course, it is a positive factor but it is also a negative one.  The sad Mexican reality is the poor control of negative emotions that lead to the generation of conflicts.  Ultimately, this is a factor that holds back national development and social stability.

In the labor aspect, controversies can occur due to different issues, sometimes more serious than others, depending on the behavior of those present and the agreements that are reached.

The Mexican Constitution establishes a beneficial article for the business environment, article 17 describes that: “” The laws must provide alternative mechanisms for the resolution of disputes. “  In other words, offering alternative justice means and services such as mediation and arbitration.

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Mediation is a practical system that helps to resolve conflicts, seeking the most peaceful, neutral and confidential way to face the problem.

How does it work?

Each opposing party voluntarily goes to a person, known as a mediator, to reach an agreement that meets the needs of both parties.  The so-called “meter” will be responsible for solving the conflict in an educated and empathetic way through communication.

The purpose is to generate agreements between both parties and one of the great advantages of mediation is not to create comforts, fostering a culture of friendly resolution.

At QuAdrans law and finance we have the Mediation and Arbitration service.  We are expert advisors in problem solving.

Legal and Accounting Consulting in Playa del Carmen

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