In Outsourcing

How does it work Payroll Outsourcing?

When a Company hires a payroll Outsourcing service, it must provide basic personnel information, so that based on this, the payroll payments of the employees can be calculated.

This service was born to sabe operating costs to the Company, while providing a better service to its employees.

The Outsourcing services that are hired can be used to perform one or several specfific tasks, they can also be for a specfic period of time.

> You may be interested in reading the entry: What does Payroll Outsourcing mean? Payroll service

According to the Mexican Association of Human Capital (AMECH) although there are thousands of companies dedicated to payroll Outsourcing, only a few are registered with the same association. This means that only a few companies are those that actually meet the established standards that involve legal and fiscal audits.

With the beginning of a new government in Mexico, there has been an uneasiness in the business world due to the posible end of Outsourcing; for some years this service was carried out incorrectly, in such a way that taxpayers evaded tax and social security charges.

“When an Outsourcing Company takes charge of managing a client’s payroll, it has two ways: hiring staff with the benefits of law and declaring the Treasury the entire floor of each one, with the corresponding payment of taxes and contribution to the Social security, or pretend that you pay lower wahes tahn the ones you actually pay to sabe taxes and contributions to your client”1

Although there ir already the Mexican Standard of Outsourcing Certification PROY-NMX-R-086-SCDI-2016, when it enters into forcé and is published by the Official Gazette of the Federation, all companies dedicated to Outsourcing must be obliged to register before the IMSS and the Tax Administration Service (SAT) to be able to work; In addition, they must issue electronic invoices and make employment contracts in accordance with the Federal Labor Work.

If you want to hire the Payroll Outsourcing service, you must ensure the advantages it can offer to your company.

In QuAdrans law and finance we provide accounting advice so that you have the total confidence to be ton this service and enjoya ll the advantages.

1Article “Inquietud empresarial por el fin del Outsourcing” Forbes Mexico.

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