In Fiscal

In our intention to keep you informed, we share with you that the Carta Porte complement is not required for circulation within cities. In other words, if a bicycle, motorcycle or automobile driver delivers merchandise within your locality, you do not need this complement.

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Is the Carta Porte necessary for vans within my locality?

Until now, the authorities have stipulated that this document will not be necessary for light-duty trucks and cranes that travel on local roads. Another important subject is that only the federal authorities are empowered to require the Carta Porte complement.

Municipal and state police cannot request this supplement.

On the other hand, the SAT grants the following administrative simplifications for the Carta Porte complement:

1. The Carta Porte complement will enter into force on January 1, 2022, however, taxpayers have until March 31, 2022 as a transition period to correctly issue their electronic invoice with the Carta Porte complement without fines and penalties.

2.Those who use light cargo vehicles to travel on a section whose length of federal highway does not exceed 30 kilometers, do not need to issue an electronic invoice with a complement.

3. For foreign trade operations, the electronic invoice with thecomplement will be required as of March 31, 2022.

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At QuAdrans law and finance we provide you with timely information so that your company is up to date with the news and changes stipulated by the authority. If you have doubts about the change in the complement, contact us by clicking here.

Office of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen


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