In Corporativo, Outsourcing



Staying focused can be difficult and sometimes difficult for many people, because we are used to doing several things at the same time, for example, eating and looking at the phone. However, the main problem is when we need to focus on a single activity, for example, solving situations or work pending that involve 100% of your concentration.

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Foods that help concentration and intellectual performance.


It is known that there are various techniques to improve concentration, manage time and avoid getting distracted. But, the truth is that our diet greatly influences how our mind processes the information we receive. In a research from Harvard University, they showed that the foods we eat can either help or harm our cognitive health.


There are foods that are scientifically proven to help improve our cognitive ability.


BLUEBERRIES: Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, they prevent cell damage and improve long-term memory. They contain potassium, an element that helps generate neurotransmitters.


BANANAS: The best fruit to take care of memory and brain. It is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps manage stress, and is an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C.


EGGS: They contain proteins, vitamins and minerals that improve memory. It is a source of protein, produces hormones that are related to happiness. The yolk helps the development of the brain of the fetus in pregnant women.


WALNUTS AND ALMONDS: Walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds allow you to think clearly, improve cognitive health and antioxidant levels. 


You may also be interested in our video: 3 ways to detoxify your mind

At QuAdrans law and finance we have a payroll service where we try to provide benefits to both the company and the collaborators. If you are interested in knowing more about this service, we invite you to click here.


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