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As of costumary, every beginning of the year we present you the changes or modifications in countable material, legal and fiscal. In this occasion we share with you the principal invoicing electronic changes of this 2022 and its 4.0. Take notes!

You can also be interested in our article: young 18 year old people should process their FTR (Federal Taxpayer Registration).

List of changes in electronic invoicing 2022.

1.-Aditional data to CFDI:

It is considered as an obligatory data include CFDI: the name, the social reason and the post code of the Taxpayer in favor of whom the CFD is issued. The obligation to include the use of CFDI tax receipts of the person in favor of whom it is issued is also added.

2.-Activities and manifestated obligations activities in the CFDI, in case of discrepancy:

When there is a discrepancy between the description of the assets or enjoyment indicated in the CFDI and the economic activity registered by the taxpayer before the Federal Taxpayers Registry, the tax authority will update the economic activities and obligations of said taxpayer to the corresponding tax regime.

3.-Delimitation in the cancellation of CFDI:

The CFDI cancellation without anticipation of the receptor, it decreases the amount to consider for cancelling without aceptation of $5,000.00 to $1,000.00 and it modifies the  period of 3 to 1 business day following its issuance is modified to consider the invoice cancellable without acceptance 

We invite you to know more changes in electronic invoicing for this year, making click here. 

You can also be interested in our new video: what is emotional salary?

In QuAdrans law and finance we keep you informed of the most important news in the developing of your company. If you need to resolve some doubt about the changes in electronic invoicing, please let us know clicking here.

Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen.

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