What is a hacker?

When hearing the word hacker, people often feel fear, especially those who have been victims. According to the UNAM Engineering Institute, a hacker is a person or group of people who gain [...]

Cyber ​​attacks in Mexico?

If you are one of the companies that think that cyber attacks or cyber fraud do not exist in Mexico, you are very wrong and you need the advice of an expert on the subject. Did you know that only [...]

What is QuAdrans IT Service?

Thinking about the need of our clients to take care of their information in the cloud, we have decided to launch a service that will fulfill the purpose of protecting their data from possible [...]

Meet our new TI service.

Inour concern to always be aware of the care of our clients' information, we have put at your disposal a new service which seeks to cybernetically protect the information of your company from [...]

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