In Lawyers

Having a company or society in Mexico requires to accomplish a series of paper work, and overall as a business person one must have the capacity of making the right choices.

Consider the following:

  •  Define the concept of the company you will create to consider the possibilities of growth.
  • Decide what type of company you wish to build.
  • Choose the people that will belong to the company and have information of each one of them.
  • Determine the capital amount the partners will contribute with and if only you will have national partners or if you will also get foreign capital. *If foreign contributions are to be authorized, the type of shares the company has will be delimited.
  • Establish the time the company will last and the address were the main activities will be held.

The right planning and legal advice will help you to start your company correctly.

Requirements for creating a company:

  1. Application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE)

Yo must have 5 possible social denominations according to the preference order for your company. This step must be done to be sure there is no other company already working in the country or overseas with the same social denomination.

  1. Create and notarized the incorporation of the company

When the SRE gives you the set of proposals for the social denomination, you must create the Incorporation of the company (Acta Constitutiva), this document contains the basic and general information about the company: social denomination, objective, type of company, administration and control, time span, etc.

When the company is created, the Incorporation must be notarized by a Public Notary.

  1. Enrollment at the Tax Administration Service. (SAT)

When the Incorporation is already legalized, the SAT enrollment must be done. This gives you the Tax Identification Card which contains the Federal Registration of Taxpayers (RFC)

  1. Enrollment at the Public Records of Property and Commerce.

To register the company and the properties in it, its objectives, and commercial goals at the Public Records of Property and Commerce, you must have the Incorporation document, the RFC and the power of attorney that allows the legal owner make the company’s formalities.

  1. Registration at the Social Security Mexican Institute (IMSS)

Personal contributions must be made to the social welfare of each worker in the company, if they aren’t done on time, you may get a fee from the IMSS.

  1. Enrollment to other required agencies.

Depending on the company’s main line of business the enrollment to other agencies might be required, the must common are the Health Secretary, Ecology and Environment Secretary, Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property, et. Besides the city formalities or state formalities must be considered depending on the geographic location where the company will be.

With Quadrans you shouldn’t worry about losing the formalities, our specialists will have everything on time and correctly  to simplify you each procedure. Rest assured that your company or society is well established.

Legal and accounting consulting at Playa del Carmen

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