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Are antivirus programs really necessary, and do you know what they are used for? The security of your computer is important, specially if it’s a computer you work with. We want to share with you some information about antivirus and why they can be useful for companies.

At QuAdrans law and finance we want your data and confidential information to be always safe and out of reach of cyber criminals.

An antivirus is a program that is responsible for detecting, combating and eliminating computer viruses that are received on an electronic device. It is believed that being careful when surfing the net is enough to avoid viruses, however cyber-criminals have strategies to trick users, and steal their data, strategies that aren’t always obvious to discover.

We invite you to read our blog post: Protecting your information online. We believe it may be interesting for you.

Why it is recommended to have an antivirus?
  • Malicious websites.

Although many websites are safe to use, there are some that appear to be harmless but, without notifying you, download unwanted files onto your computer that may be malicious. An antivirus will be sure to scan the file before it manages to open or install.

  • Infected emails.

Emails can also bring unsafe files, and they can be found not only in spam emails. It’s important to check where the emails you read come from, especially if you click on links, files or share personal data.

  • Data espionage.

Antivirus can also protect your computer from data espionage, as there are some options that detect spyware on web pages when personal information is shared.

In QuAdrans law and finance we have lawyers, public accountants and IT experts who are trained to offer you a personal or corporate service.

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We are based in the city of Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, contact us to receive more information about our services.

Now that we’ve shared with you some information about why antivirus software is necessary for business computers, we want to know what else you would like us to talk about in our blog.

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Are antivirus programs really necessary

QuAdrans Law and Finance

Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen

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