In Outsourcing

Advantages of the Payroll Outsourcing service

The Outsourcing service is legal in Mexico when it complies with the regulations established by Mexican law.

Payroll Outsourcing provides great benefits to the economy of companies and the country in general. But it is important to properly choose a company that is legal; there are many ilegal Outsourcing services that have created mistrust to various companies, but the SAT is responsible for punishing these improper practices.

The Mexican Association of Human Capital (AMECH) is the institution in charge of supporting the companies that offer the Outsourcing service, valuing them as responsible in the matter of human resources and able to provide a quality service thar meets all the requirements that are met stipulated in the Federal Labor Law.

The AMECH mentions that the advantages of using the Payroll Outsourcing service are:

  • Possibility of having a more flexible and light organization.
  • Possibility of focusing on the main operation of the business.
  • Reduce the administrative burden.
  • Possibility of evaluating employees in a test or training period.
  • Reduce legal and labor contingencies.
  • Service completely deductible.
  • Support in the creation of jobs.

It is important that before hiring an Outsourcing company verify the following:

  • What is the reputation of the company? Investigate the background, success stories and the companies that work with it will help you choose the right one.
  • Make sure that your work techniques are legal for hiring new staff.
  • If the company is certified by the AMECH it is legal.
  • Visit the facilities of the company to be sure that it is real.

Outsourcing companies offer excellent advantages to those who hire them, but a contract must be created where the characteristics and clauses of the agreement are defined, since confidential information will be handled.

Why choose QuAdrans for the Outsourcing of your company?

We offer the Payroll Outsourcing service for to take charge of the salary of all your collaborators, we want to help you in all the administrative subjects so that you can focus on the main activity of your business. Our staff is highly qualified to perform this service with the responsibility of providing optimal results.

All services are for the benefit of your company

To know all our services visit our Payroll Outsourcing section.

Legal and Accounting Consulting in Playa del Carmen

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