In Accountants

Accounting’s Functioning

Accounting’s functioning is regulated by accounting rules that may be different in each country due to tax, culture, economy and politics related differences and this might complicate the comparison of information published by companies in different countries. Each rule may be approved in a legal way or may be regulated by professional private organizations.

Accounting in a language different from Spanish

As Mexicans we all become taxpayers, it may be in an indirect form like when merchandise purchases are made or in a direct form in the moment that a person starts to earn a salary.

We are all taxpayers because we pay taxes on what we eat, drink, use, buy and for having a salary.

Nonetheless, all taxpayers can manage their own accounting documents, including those transactions that are performed in a language different from Spanish, such as requesting tax returns or compensation warnings because tax authorities request the translation by a Certified Expert Translator who is the competent authority to do so.

Submission of annual tax returns by natural people.

The people who are obligated to submit an annual tax return are those taxpayers who have offered their professional services by fees, or who have rented any of their properties, or who have had any business activity, and more.

Multiple informative Submission via on-line and via magnetic media

The Ordinance that reforms, adds and derogates diverse dispositions of the Law on Income Tax, the Mexican Federal Tax Code, the Goods and Services Tax Bill and the Value Added Tax Law and that establishes the Welfare to Work sets that:

“The taxpayers who must present the information that the quoted dispositions inquire, pertinent to the tax period it’s related to, including the complementary and out of time information must be done through the DIM and its attachments, on-line or magnetic media, following the established procedure in this rule”.

Submission of Provisional Payments

The submission of provisional payments is a procedure where the report of the reasons why the tax payment is not being done is presented, these reasons must be presented by making the provisional or definitive payment submission according to what is needed.

Complementary Submissions to make provisional and definitive payments.

When a complementary submission is presented, you have the next options:

  1. The “Modification Submission” should be presented to modify the information of a previous submission or to incorporate regimes or obligations.
  2. The “No-effect Submission” will be used to completely eliminate a previous submission or submissions.
  3. The ” No-presented Submission” will only be used when the taxpayer has left the previous submission or submissions without any effect.

Legal and Accounting Consultancy in Playa del Carmen

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