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Why is it important to promote mental health care at work? Because mental health is a necessary emotional balance, emotionally stable people tend to carry out their activities more productively. For this reason, today we want to provide you with tools to promote this psychological well-being in your collaborators.


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Activities to promote emotional well-being at work


Stay positive

Did you know that positive thoughts are essential to increase happiness levels and have a good perspective of things? This way you will find the positive in difficult circumstances.

Expand your circle of contacts

Social relationships are essential for human well-being and also eliminate the feeling of loneliness. To stay positive, it is advisable to have a circle of friends or solid and close contacts.

Promotes wellness

As a leader it is important that you have good mental health and that you project it to your collaborators. To meet this challenge you can create spaces for relaxation and active listening with your work team.


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At QuAdrans law and finance we share with you that mental problems are not insignificant and it is important to recognize the dangers that poor mental health can cause in your workers. There is currently a law (Nom-035) that seeks to prevent psychosocial risks in the health of Mexican workers. For more information contact us by clicking here.


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