In Immigration

We’ll tell you how

If you wish to obtain a temporary visa to work in Mexico, you must apply the Migratory National Institute (INM), this is the authority in charge of authorizing this type of applications. You’ll have the right to annually apply for an extension on the condition of your migratory residence.

Required documents:

  • Temporary residence card or students temporary residence card (active)
  • Rights payment ticket
  • When independent activities are done, the foreign person must attach a written document under oath of speaking the truth, in which the applicant’s real occupation will be described and also the place where this occupation will be held at.

  * The voucher of the payment to the enrollment at the RFC (taxpayers federal registry) must be attached too.

  • Job offer of the natural or legal person of the activity that will be done, and also the place where the working activities will be held at and also de information of the employer’s enrollment.
  • If a student is temporary resident, besides all the requirements mentioned above, a conformity letter must be presented at the educative institution.

  * Students over 14 and under 18 must show the permits or authorizations mentioned at the Working rules.

If this procedure is not done, paid activities will not be allowed to be performed.

The next steps must be done personally:

  1. Fill and print the procedure application.
  2. Go to the INM to hand in the application and the required documentation.
  3. Personally go to the notification.
  4. Get the closure of your procedure.

 * This closure is authorized, for its worth is the one already set on the temporary residence card.

Requirements for a temporary visa.

  • Working permit for a student with temporary residence, will only be valid when the foreigner is studying college, postgraduate and investigation, and the occupation to be developed must be related to the same studies.
  • The migratory authority can make a verification visit, to verify the job offer and the existence of the employer.
  • In case a positive closure is made, the migratory authority will give a new migratory document that will imply the foreign person is allowed to work, for this, the foreigner must present the documents mentioned in the article #32 of the present rules.
  • In case a negative closure is made, the migratory authority will give a closure with enough fundaments and reasons, and will give back the residence card to the foreigner if it’s still active so he/she continues with their residence.
  • It can take until 20 working days for this closure to arrive.

Through Quadrans, any person of any country may apply for a temporary residence by a job offer. Ask for our service and we will do the procedure for you through the correspondent mexican authorities.

While all the procedures to obtain this permit are to be done, being a foreigner you can remain in Mexico as a tourist.

* If the 180 days of the tourist residence are over without the job permit getting a closure, you can still stay in Mexico until the closure arrives.

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