In Corporativo

Avoid these 5 work habits! At work, it’s important that you follow certain work patterns to perform well. Although, sometimes, you may adopt some negative habits that do not allow you to be productive and make your work harder.

At QuAdrans law and finance we want to share with you some information so that you can have the best performance at work.

We’ll share with you 5 habits that we recommend you to avoid.

Avoid doing this at work.
  • Multi-tasking.

Many people try to do different tasks at the same time to be “more efficient”. However, focusing on several things at once can make your work harder, confuse you, and generate mistakes. Instead, you can set priorities and start with what is most important. 

  • Procrastinating on a regular basis.

Are there distractions within your office? Procrastinating is a problem that many employees face. To solve it, you can eliminate the distractions that surround you and create an agenda with the tasks you must complete during the day.

We invite you to read our blog post: Is organizational structure necessary? We believe it may be an interesting topic for you.

  • Maintaining bad posture.

Office jobs require employees to sit for hours at a time. It is important to maintain proper posture, so you don’t hurt your back, neck or wrists. Don’t forget to take short breaks and stretch your body when necessary.

  • Not monitoring your performance.

It’s important to keep track of your performance. This way you will get to know what you have achieved, what you have done well and what needs improvement. Always look for growth, so you can succeed in whatever you set out to do.

  • Say yes to everything you are asked.

Accepting every favor asked of you can also be a problem. Remember that multitasking is not going to work out well. It’s important for you to know that there are some tasks that don’t fit your job and your activities. Learn to set limits so this doesn’t affect you.

At QuAdrans law and finance we have lawyers, public accountants and IT experts who are trained to offer you a personal or corporate service. Discover our services.

We are located in the city of Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, contact us to receive more information about our services.

Now that we’ve shared with you some information about why you should avoid these work habits, we want to know what other topics or news you would like us to talk about in our blog.

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Avoid these 5 work habits.

QuAdrans Law and Finance

Accounting and law firm in Playa del Carmen

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