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Do you have a business continuity plan? Do you know the importance of testing it? Below we will share a little information about why your business plan must have tests and how you can achieve it so that your business is prepared for a crisis.

At QuAdrans law and finance we want your company to grow and achieve stability so that it does not go into crisis during an emergency.

As we have mentioned before, a business continuity plan provides a company with security and stability during a crisis. It is a plan designed to identify the possible risks that a business and its collaborators may face.

When you have the plan, it must be tested to validate if the strategies are useful or not.

We invite you to read our blog entry: The key principles in business continuity. We believe that it may be a topic of interest to you.

How are the tests done?

  • First, a test plan must be created, that is, based on the possible risks or crises that the company may face, said tests will be created.
  • Each one will be assigned a date and goals to meet.
  • For each test, risk environments and events will be prepared to make use of the business continuity plan.
  • The results will be measured once it is finished and it will be identified if it is effective or if it needs adjustments.
  • The approximate cost of each crisis and its respective plan should also be calculated, this will help to maintain a certain amount of money allocated for an emergency.

These tests will allow you to identify if the plan you have is useful or if it requires adjustments.

At QuAdrans law and finance we have lawyers, public accountants and IT experts who are trained to provide you with a personal or corporate service.

We are located in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, write us to receive more information about our services.

Now that we have shared some information about the testing of a business continuity plan and why it is so necessary to have one of these plans, we want to know what other topics or news you would like us to talk about in our blog.

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The testing of a business continuity plan.

QuAdrans Law and Finance

Office of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen

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