In Servicios TI

Would you like to know how you can keep your date safe by protecting your online information? Nowadays, a large part of the socialization and work that people do is online. This means there’s important and confidential information, of individuals or companies, in different digital platforms that are not always well protected.

At QuAdrans law and finance we want to help you keep all your data out of cyber danger.

Cyber-criminals are always looking for vulnerable platforms or users to steal important information and use it for their benefit.

Therefore, we recommend you know some ways to protect your important data and avoid falling into hackers’ tricks.

How can you protect your information online?
  • Avoid connecting to public wifi networks.

Public places such as coffee shops or airports commonly offer their customers free wifi. Although it may seem like a good thing, these wifi networks are not secure, as there is no way of knowing who has access to it and if someone is trying to take your information.

We recommend that you don’t access your accounts or enter your banking information when you’re connected to a public network.

We invite you to read our blog post: How do hackers steal information? We believe this may be a topic of interest to you.

  • Enable two-step authentication.

To ensure that no one else has access to your personal or business accounts, it is recommended to activate two-step authentication. This allows you to receive a text message or email before logging into your account, so it remains secure, and others will have difficulty if they try to access without permission.

  • Have a reliable anti-virus

Anti-virus is security software that protect your computer from “viruses”, which are quite common and often attack users to steal access, information and data.

This anti-virus must be reliable and high quality, in addition, don’t forget to update them from time to time.

At QuAdrans law and finance we have lawyers, public accountants and IT experts who are trained to offer you a personal or corporate service. Discover our services.

We’re located in the city of Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, contact us to receive more information about our services.

Now that we’ve shared with you some information about protecting your online information, we want to know which other topics or news you would like us to talk about in our blog.

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Protecting your information online.

QuAdrans Law and Finance

Law Firm of accountants and lawyers in the city of Playa del Carmen

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