In Fiscal

Did you know there was a new problem with the SAT platform? We will share with you some details about how the platform didn’t recognize provisional payments of December 2022 of legal entities.

At QuAdrans law and finance we want to keep you informed about the latest news that the SAT announces.

On March 1, 2023, after a maintenance period for the Tax Administration Service (SAT) application that generates the Opinion of Compliance with Tax Obligations (OCOF) that lasted several days, companies began to report widespread problems with the emission of their opinion.

Compliance Opinion.

In a large number of cases, the Compliance Opinion appears negative, arguing that they didn’t comply with their tentative payment for the month of December 2022.

It turns out that the problem isn’t properly with the OCOF tool, but with the recognition of the provisional payment for the month of December 2022 which, despite having been presented in due time and form, the SAT system doesn’t recognize it and it doesn’t appear registered as a fulfilled obligation.

Annual declaration of income tax.

This problem is also reflected in the annual declarations of corporations, which are not recognizing the December payment and, consequently, it doesn’t appear in the list of provisional payments made during the year, directly affecting the determination of the annual calculation.

Application bugs.

This topic is another example of the problems generated by the tax authority’s inadequate digitalization process of the tax authority, which is addressed in the article “Chaos with SAT apps” by Leal Cueva, published on prosecutor’s office on February 13, 2023.

Final comments.

It will be of utmost relevance and urgency that the tax authority fixes this situation so that the annual declarations of corporate taxpayers aren’t affected, as well as that the corresponding compliance opinions aren’t affected.

It is also important to correct the direction that this digitalization and tax automation process has been taking, which could lead to the inoperability of the entire system.

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New problem with the SAT platform

QuAdrans Law and Finance

Law Firm of accountants and lawyers in the city of Playa del Carmen

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