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How can you know if you need cybersecurity in your business? Many companies today use technology to communicate internally and externally. Information that may be sensitive or important is constantly being shared, and there are hackers or viruses that can harm that information or the company.

At QuAdrans Law and Finance we want to help our clients avoid cyber threats and keep their data safe.

  • What is cybersecurity?

“Cybersecurity” serves to protect sensitive, personal and private information of a person or business.

Nowadays, technology, social networks and the Internet are part of most people’s daily lives. Daily millions of users have access to technology and the vast majority are exposed to threats such as viruses or hackers.

These cyberthreats have evolved and adapted to attack businesses as well, whether small or large. It can be through emails, suspicious links or information shared to the wrong person.

We invite you to read our post: How to avoid phishing attacks? We believe it may be interesting for you.

This is why IT security is indispensable for any type of company. Identity theft and data hijacking can really affect a business negatively, that’s why it’s necessary to have security on the e-mail, networks and website.

What cybersecurity services do we offer?

We protect our client’s critical information from threats such as:

  • Ransomware (data hijacking)
  • Hacking (data theft)
  • Virus
  • Identity Theft

At QuAdrans Law and Finance, we have lawyers, public accountants and IT experts who are trained to provide you a personal or corporate service. Discover our services.

We are in the city of Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, contact us for more information about our services.

Now that we’ve shared some information so you know if you need cybersecurity in your business to keep your important and sensitive data safe, we want to know which other topics or news you’d like us to talk about in our blog.

Let’s get in touch!

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QuAdrans Law and Finance

Accountants and Law Firm in Playa del Carmen

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