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How do stolen passwords impact the financial sector?

Financial crime is a threat to people andobviously to the financial sector, this type of crime can greatly affect the lives of victims, work, among others. The most commoncases of crime / cybercrime are stolen passwords. This form of crime has taken on a whole new dimension thanks to the rapid advance of digital technology.

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Request professional help in cybersecurity for password theft

Theft, fraud, deception, blackmail, corruption, money laundering, are just some examples of cyber threats in large and even small companies. The possibilities to obtain money illegally are endless. Never doubt it! Their importance should not be minimized because beyond the social and economic impact, these activities are often closely linked to violent crime and even terrorism. Below we share the testimony of Mr. Roberto who was a victim of the cyber attack.

“In the end, you go bankrupt and your wife almost wants to leave you. In the eyes of your Face friends, relatives, and even co-workers, you are guilty of threatening to sell your daughters to drug traffickers, to prostitute them and kill them.”

Roberto, victim.

The impact of the credentials that grant access to online banking depends on the security measures implemented by the bank. If additional authentication mechanisms are not used to protect the most important operations, such as electronic transfers, modification of personal information, credit card management, etc. theft of credentials related to financial services can have an extremely high impact.

Criminal gangs operate transnationally in order to avoid detection. This is where requesting help from professionals plays an essential role for companies and collaborators. An expert on the subject must provide you with security and confidence when protecting your company’s critical information as well as emails, passwords, among others.

A shocking and important fact that we want to share with you is that 44% (about 3.8 billion) of the records available on the Internet, the Deep and the Dark Web are usernames, passwords and other credential information.

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At QuAdrans law and finance we have specialists in the area of ​​cybersecurity capable of protecting your information at all times, we stand out from the competition by providing security in kidnapping and data theft, viruses, identity theft, among others.

To learn more about this service, we invite you to click here.

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