In Corporativo, Outsourcing

Employees are a key element and a competitive advantage for any company. When your employees are motivated, happy and trained, they become the pillar that will drive your company to achieve its goals. In other words, as a mourner of your company, you must dedicate efforts to take care of the health of the employees: physical, mental and emotional.

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Why should companies take care of their collaborators?


When a worker does not feel comfortable, valued or his health is not the best, it is very likely that his performance will drop and consequently harm his work productivity and his ability to concentrate and/or respond; You can even suffer from conditions such as burnout. Sometimes the same workload or the work environment are usually the cause of illnesses in workers.


Companies must establish mechanisms to take care of the health of employees.


Tom Watson Jr. (son of the founder of IBM and president of the same) mentioned: “All the value of this company is in its people. If all our factories and information archives burned down, we’d soon be as strong as ever. Take our staff and we may never recover” and this is a clear example of a large, strong company that values ​​its staff and their work.

To take care of your collaborators, it is not only enough to offer legal benefits, it is necessary to have adequate facilities, furniture that allows and facilitates the performance of their work, but mainly to generate a good work environment. Currently and due to COVID-19, as a company you must establish and implement the protocols required by the competent institutions or authorities.


You may also be interested in our video: Why do my best collaborators quit?

At QuAdrans law and finance we advise you on the administration of your staff, with great satisfaction. If you are interested in learning more about this service, we invite you to click here.


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