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Exercising is in many ways the best activity for your physical and mental health, for all of the above, it is not surprising that in an investigation carried out by the American multinational Gympass, it was revealed that exercising 3 and 4 times a week can increase the labor productivity by 300%. Now concentrating will be healthy!

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How much exercise should I do to improve my work performance?


The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity per week. In addition, in a study carried out by the Leeds Metropolitan University, it was pointed out that employees who visit the gym during working hours feel more motivated, capable, better manage their time and organize their tasks effectively.


If you really want to improve your quality of life and performance at work, do 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week


When you decide to exercise, you must bear in mind that the essential thing is that the exercise be pleasant and adapt to your needs so that it easily becomes part of our daily lives. Some exercises that you can do are: walking, swimming, dancing and including riding a bike, jumping rope, among others. Which one will you put into practice?

Physical exercise does not have to be done out of obligation, it should be for pleasure, optimism, decision and of course outside of work hours. During your working day you can also carry out some activities, for example:

  • Stretch on the spot every 2-3 hours.
  • Quickly move your toes to exercise your feet and legs.
  • Walk as much as possible in the workplace.


You may also be interested in our video: Tips to improve your concentration

At QuAdrans law and finance we remind you that these small activities, if done frequently and integrated as part of your work routine, can be very beneficial for your work performance. Contact us so we can provide you with personalized advice. If you are interested in learning more about this service, we invite you to click here.

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