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How is a narcissist leader.? Are the people who feel certain level of superiority reflected in admiration. The can be arrogant and think of themselves special. But what happen when this characteristic it is found in a leader.

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The narcissism is good or bad in a leader?

Let’s start with a little of history. One of the first characters that studied the narcissist profile in the human being, was the father of the psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. He affirmed that this kind of people overestimate their habilities, through the excessive necessity  of admiration and affirmation. 

Managers and executives have a narcissistic profile.

Isabel Rayo Castrejón, specialist in comprehensive psychology.

This therapist mentions that narcissism is a necessary evil for any organization. Because most the professionals that count with these profile, are regularly managers, company presidents, politicians or delegates.

Finally this specialists comments that there are 3 types of narcissists inside the professional profile. The narcissist reactive leader: who can be someone applicant. The narcissist self-deception leader: who looks for approval of what keeps an open listening and finally the narcissist constructive: or better known as born leaders.

You can also be interested in our video: Forbidden phrases of a great leader.

In QuAdrans Law and Finance we bring you the best fools to know and explote to maximum the capacity of your personal. Would you like to know the best characteristics in each type of leader narcissists?. Let us know in the comments.

Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen.


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