In Fiscal

Last month preventive detention was issued. This was achieved thanks to the fact that the supreme court of justice of the nation invalidated by a majority of 8 votes the informal preventive detention for the crimes of smuggling, tax fraud and the use of false invoices. 

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What articles are affected? 

These changes came after opposition senators and the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH in Spanish) filed an unconstitutional action demanding the invalidity of the reforms. 

The Court declared unconstitutional the preventive unofficial prison, it means, automatic. 

The reformed articles were, Article 5, fraction XII of the National Security Law of Penal Procedures and the article 113 Bis of Fiscal Federation Code. 

Therefore smuggling, the tax fraud, the expedition, sale, alienation, purchase or acquisition of fiscal vouchers that cover non-existent operations, or legal acts simulated warranted unofficial pretrial detention. 

You can also be interested in our video of: Fiscal counseling service. 

In QuAdrans Law and Finance, we keep you informed of the most important news in the economic, fiscal and countable ambit. If you wish to keep actualizing in tending, contact us and request us for more information. Learn more about our payroll service here. 

Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen. 


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