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The tax mailbox fulfills the function of linking communication between the taxpayer and the SAT. Every time the SAT requires you to make a notification, send useful information for the fulfillment of your tax obligations, request information or request
a response to a procedure, it will send it through the mailbox.

You may also be interested in our article:Is it mandatory to activate the tax mailbox?

What activities can I do through the mailbox?

To activate the tax mailbox depends on the type of person requesting it. For example, in the case of individuals: only their password is essential or in some cases their e-signature. In the case of legal entities, it is essential to have an e-signature.

It is your obligation to have your tax mailbox activated

Through the tax mailbox you can submit promotions, requests, notices or respond to requirements, as well as obtain your opinion on compliance. Would you like to know all the procedures and services that you can perform? Click here.

Therefore it is important that you stay updated with your means of contact as soon as possible. Currently you do not need to go to the SAT offices. That is why we take advantage of this space to inform you that if you are a natural person you must keep your mailbox enabled as of November 30, 2020.

In the case of legal entities, it is from September 30, 2020. Do not worry about your data. The tax mailbox is secure, confidential and personalized. You can also carry out exclusive procedures and receive messages of interest.

You may also be interested in our video: Tax Consulting

At QuAdrans Law and Finance we have the Tax service for national and foreign companies. We plan, advise and design tax strategies, as well as provide specialized advice on payroll management. If you want to know more about our tax service, click here.

Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen

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