In Outsourcing

Do you need to give feedback to your team but don’t know how to approach the subject without sounding disrespectful?  You are in the right space.  There are some feedback techniques that will help you make your collaborators aware of negative situations that are affecting the performance of the company.

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 Feedback techniques to achieve excellent results

 Feedback is the exchange of information with the aim of sharing positive or negative data that influence the growth of a company.  The intention is to generate work and professional improvement, through successful and assertive feedback.

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 For the feedback of the results you expect, it is necessary to have an active listening and allow the exchange of ideas, especially listening to the team leaders, since they are the filter with the other collaborators in their charge.  We suggest you follow these feedback techniques to achieve good results in negative situations:

 Identify the objective of the feedback: To give effective feedback it is important to have correctly identified what the problem is that you are going to cover and why, how it is affecting the company and other collaborators.  Be clear, specific, and use your emotional intelligence.

 Plan and schedule the meeting: It is very important to organize your time and therefore take into account the time of your collaborator so that he or she schedules the day of the meeting and does not harm their work.

 Real facts: Avoid mentioning: listen that … they commented that … they told me that … Go to the real facts, the results, the statistical data, identify and study your collaborator, stick to the concrete facts otherwise the feedback  It could end negatively and without results.

 Active listening: Remember that despite being the person who raised the problem, you must also listen to your collaborator and know the uncertainties they have or problems that are causing their poor performance at work.

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 At QuAdrans Law and Finance we are interested in maintaining a stable work environment in your company that generates the commitment of your collaborators.  We create training plans to improve the development of your employees.  If you want to know more about our payroll administration service, click here.

 Law firm of accountants and lawyers in Playa del Carmen

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