In Outsourcing

As we have previously discussed, psychometric tests are an important tool in a company’s recruitment process. They build a clearer profile of candidates, and help the company incorporate their skills into their work plan. Throughout this entry, we will share with you the types of psychometric tests used in recruitment. A company’s success is significantly influenced by the effective selection of employees.

You might be interested in our entry​: ​Importance of psychometric tests for recruitment.

For psychometric tests to be successful, they should be complemented with interviews held beforehand​.

Types of pre-employment tests​:

●  Aptitude tests​: They measure the candidate’s labor skills. This way, the company can learn the individual’s potential in the field. The Cleaver Test is one of the most popular aptitude tests, as it analyzes the applicant’s response to stress.

●  Intelligence tests​: These tests measure the candidate’s learning capacities, as well as the application of these skills. They also determine the applicant’s intellectual coefficient (IQ), and identify their decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Raven’s Progressive Matrices is one of the most popular intelligence tests used in recruitment.

●  Projective test​: These tests reflect the applicant’s social-emotional characteristics. They also analyze their capacities to adapt to new environments, and interpret some possible inner conflicts affecting their life.


Pruebas psicométricas

The use of specific psychometric tests depends on the human resources (HR) department, or the outsourcing team hired by the company. Their analysis should always go hand-in-hand with interviews held beforehand. Their purpose can only be fully and effectively achieved if carried out together.

Keep in mind the importance of having trained professionals apply these tests to get the best results.

At QuAdrans Law and Finance, we offer an ​outsourcing service aimed to help you through recruitment, hiring, and training of personnel. It provides numerous benefits to both the company and its employees. Learn more about it by clicking ​here​.

Contact us​ to learn more. Trust us with your company’s recruitment.

Outsourcing service in Playa del Carmen

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