In Intellectual property and patents

What is required to carry out a trademark registration?

The registration of a new trademark must be done before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI). This allows the rights of every trademark to be protected from potential illegalities derived from their improper use. 

The most reliable way to protect your trademark’s rights is by registering it before the IMPI.

Additionally, by registering the trademark, its own products and services will be distinguished from others that are similar and already in the market. This will also allow for legal proceedings to be conducted in order to facilitate the grant of licenses for use or to acquire franchises. 

In accordance to the ​Mexican Government​, the documents needed to register a trademark are: 

  • Solicitude of Protection of Distinctive Signs A or B.
  • Continuation sheet of “people’s general data.”
  • Proof of payment of the solicitude for national trademark registration.
  • Document that accredits the identity of the trustee.
  • Registration record at IMPI’s General Register of Powers.
  • Terms of use in case the distinctive sign is submitted by more than one individual.
  • Continuation sheet of ‘’products or services’’ of a trademark, commercial turn, or  
  • Continuation sheet of “non-reservable logos and slogans.”
  • Translation of documents submitted in a language other than Spanish, if required.
  • Legalization or apostille of the annexed documents obtained from foreign sources, if  
  • Letter of consent or documents that accredit the acquisition of a distinctive character derived from commercial use. 

There are supporting programs aimed at registering new trademarks. This is highly useful for entrepreneurs, given that, at the beginning of every project, a variety of other payments are likely to arise. 

In addition to IMPI, other institutions also dedicate to the provision of financing programs. These enable successful business plans, and prevents entrepreneurs from dropping out in the middle of the process. 

Financial support aimed to register the trademark guarantees the protection of all creations, intellectual and industrial property for the proper development of the trademark’s activities.

> We recommend you read our Importance of updating trademark registrationsentry.

In ​QuAdrans law and finance ​we offer support for the maintenance and update of trademark registrations. Our specialists will provide you with useful advice throughout the trademark registration process. 

Legal and Accounting Consulting in Playa del Carmen

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Registros de marcaWhy is it important to register your trademark?